John Agni Portrait

From Foundation to Future: Building Impact Through Iterative Excellence
Hello, I'm John. I'm a Software Engineer

About Me

Former educator turned software engineer, I'm obsessed with code. Now I'm on a mission to turn visions to realty. I bring a unique blend of skills and experiences to the world of software engineering. My previous career as a teacher in Japan honed my exceptional communication skills, patience, and adaptability. These qualities, combined with my passion for problem-solving, have seamlessly transitioned into my role as a software engineer. Whether it's collaborating with diverse teams, meticulously analyzing code, or empathizing with end-users, my background has equipped me to excel in this dynamic field. I am dedicated to delivering innovative solutions while maintaining a keen eye for detail, making me a valuable asset in any software development project With each line of code I write, my passion ignites as I envision the tangible impact it can have, shaping a better experience for users and bringing real value to their lives.

When I'm not coding I'm usually working out, trying out a new restaurant or reviewing craft beers.

Projects I've worked on


I worked as a full stack webdevloper to create a webapplication that allows user to search and create recipes based on ingredients on hand

  • React
  • MongoDB
  • ChakraUI
  • FastAPI
  • Javascript
  • JWTdown


Worked as a fullstack developer to creating sales microservice for car dealership internal application to manage inventory, sales, and service

  • Django
  • SQLite
  • Microservices
  • React
  • RestfulAPI
  • Docker

E-Commerce Dashboard & CMS

Fully functional E-Commerce web application with Content Management System and Dashboard

  • NextJS
  • SQLite
  • App Router
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma
  • MySQL

E-Commerce Store

E-Commerce Store Front used in conjunction with E-Commerce Dashboard & CMS

  • NextJS
  • SQLite
  • App Router
  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma
  • MySQL

My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.